
Showing posts from September, 2019

Top 15 Pharmacy Textbooks Every Serious Pharmacy Student Should Own

1. Applied Therapeutics (10th edition) Author:  Brian K. Alldredge PharmD  , Robin L. Corelli PharmD , Michael E. Ernst PharmD , B. Joseph Guglielmo Jr. PharmD , Pamela A. Jacobson PharmD , Wayne A. Kradjan PharmD , Bradley R. Williams PharmD  2.  Pharmacotherapy (8 th  edition) Author:  Joseph DiPiro , Robert L. Talbert , Gary Yee , Gary Matzke , Barbara Wells , L. Michael Posey  ​ 3. Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (6 th  edition)   Author:  Leon Shargel, Andrew Yu, Susanna Wu-Pong 4. Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms & Drug Delivery System (11 th  edition) Author:  Loyd Allen 5. Concepts in Sterile Preparations and Aspetic Technique Author:  Pamella S. Ochoa, Jose A. Vega  ​ 6. Drug Information: A guide for pharmacists (5 th  edition) Author:  Patrick M. Malone, Karen L. Kier, John Stanovich Jr. Meghan J. Malone    ...

MBBS Examination preparation Tips: Just before exam

What is the hindrance to success? 1. Non preparedness.:  It is impossible to get through an MBBS exam if you are reading for the exam just a day before it, unless you are too lucky or Super-genius. A day to day reading and preparation is the motto. Searching for pen, scale, etc at last moment. 2. Improper study and revision plan:  Inability of the student to divide time for different subjects and different chapters within subject during final preparation is another issue. 3. Panicky-  really a serious issue: You know but you can’t recall because you are anxious. Your mind is not working just the heart is pumping because of anxiety. 4. Unnecessary stress  by trying to overdo things- Trying to remember something in too much detail may cause unnecessary stress. Comparing yourself to others and feeling guilty is another mistake. Fear of result is unnecessary . 5. Over Confidence-  confidence is good but over confidence may land you up in disaster specially in vi...

6 Ways to Make Studying Pharmacology Less Intimidating

Create an Effective Learning Strategy- Starting out in pharmacology is no easy feat. Countless drugs, numerous side effects, counterindications and a lot of drug interactions. Already feeling shivers down your spine? We get it. This is, indeed, very frightening. Knowing how to study this difficult subject effectively is about creating a workable learning strategy. It’s all about knowing what to learn and how to learn. If you don’t know the trick, you won’t be able to learn information that you need to know. For instance, when it comes to learning antibacterial drugs that are not classified in an appropriate way, taking drug-by-drug approach doesn’t work. There is no need to learn non-specific side effects such as vomiting, nausea, as these are the most common side effects that are applicable to nearly all drugs. Instead, learn the specific side effects of drugs. This way, you can stay focused and learn only the necessary or relevant information that you need to know to not falt...